Priscilla Shirer Makes a Shocking Confession Regarding her Spiritually Life and Sends a Special Message to Christians on Surrendering to God…

In a recent interview, Priscilla Shirer, a renowned Bible teacher and author, reflected on her approach to discipleship and surrendering to God in all aspects of life. Shirer emphasizes the importance of focusing on what God prioritizes in each season of life, recalling advice that profoundly shaped her: “You cannot do a thousand things to the glory of God, but you can do one or two.” For Shirer, this means consistently seeking discernment and having the courage to say “no” to what isn’t aligned with God’s will in order to say “yes” to what is.

Recently, Shirer collaborated again with the Kendrick Brothers on the movie *The Forge* and its accompanying devotional. As a mother of three boys, she resonated with the story of a young man’s spiritual transformation, guided by a mentor’s wisdom. This role inspired her to write about how discipleship requires surrendering personal ambitions and trusting God.

Shirer, who grew up in a ministry family as the daughter of pastor Tony Evans, believes that genuine discipleship involves constant self-denial and the willingness to follow Jesus by letting go of personal comfort and preconceived notions of success. She explains that surrendering looks different in every phase of life, and each stage brings new opportunities for spiritual growth.

Practical surrender, according to Shirer, starts with dedicating each day to God, recognizing that even frustrations and unexpected encounters can be divine opportunities. She stresses the need for believers to remain open to God’s guidance in everyday moments.

Shirer also highlights the connection between surrender and discipleship, noting that fully following Jesus requires a willingness to relinquish personal goals, ambitions, and comforts. She advocates for a stronger emphasis on mentorship within the church, encouraging young believers to seek wisdom from more mature Christians, as discipleship and community are essential to spiritual growth .

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